Recently #2 daughter posted a blog all about her long-standing friendship. She has been friends with a couple for about 13 years. Here is my friend of 50 years (yikes) getting to know our grandson, son of #2 daughter. Since my friend is my daughter's godmother, does this now make her great godmother? Godmother once removed? Grand godmother? Whatever we call her, she is my friend, and is very special to me. Obviously Mr. C. likes her a lot too, especially when she is the holder of the bottle!
A few things...if she is #2 daughter, does that make me #1 daughter? Yes! I always knew I was the favorite. :) Also, I think that she has officially earned the title Fairy Godmother.
Colin is such a poser in this picture! Thanks for taking him that day! So glad that "the godmother" got to spend some time with him too!
Just thinking that I'm #1 Son makes me think of the Kern-Hill Furniture commercials. Commmmmmmmmmmon-Down!
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