Find something about which you are passionate, and then live your life showing it.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Happy Birthday

Dear Dad,
Today would have been your 88 th birthday had you not left us all so suddenly four and a half years ago.  It seems so long ago now! I guess that's because so much has happened in those years.
You now have more great grandchildren than ever, and they are all joys, especially the ones that belong to Ross and to me. (We are just a bit biased). We have been through some health issues, and thankfully are on the other side of them. Ross and I have had some fantastic trips, including a visit with Fred and Joan in England, but I know that today, on your birthday, we are in your favourite winter location, Hawaii.  We are not on Oahu which you loved best, but on Maui, which we favour. Tomorrow we leave for Molokai, and are going to ride the mules as you and mom did so many years ago. You will be pleased to know that every one of your grandchildren remembers the bumper sticker that lived in the bathroom at Take Courage, "I'd rather be riding a mule in Molokai".  It's our turn to find out if we agree with that!
The beaches are as beautiful as ever here, dad, and we haven't had a drop so far of that "liquid sunshine" as you called rain. Ross and I walk the boardwalk every morning and the beach every night, and enjoy every moment of both.
We miss you dad. I catch myself seeing you in other people. On Christmas Eve, as I was lined up with the choir, I almost cried out when a certain man came in through the door. He looked so much like you from the side view that it took my breath away. He turned out to be the father of a friend of mine, but just for a fleeting moment, you were there with me. It is moments like those I treasure.
Later today we are going to Duke's on the beach for Happy Hour, in your honour.  Happy Birthday dad. I have to believe that you will be there too, enjoying the sunset and listening to the waves.
Love always,

1 comment:

Heather said...

You made me tear up... Love you, Mom.